Products and Services
Endpoint Security
Endpoint security is all about keeping individual machines safe and secure from cyber threats. There are numerous tools to help you to be more secure and we can help you to choose and set up the correct ones for your business, which keep threats out without compromising the performance of machines or making things difficult for the user.
Advanced Threat Protection
Advanced threat protection helps to secure your business with tools like advanced firewalls, malware protection, identity based services, anti ransomware, cloud backup and specialist email security tools. Once we understand what your business does and how it could be compromised, we can help to design and install advanced threat protection tools to give you a higher level and more complex layer of cyber security.
Firewalls act as the secure front door for your business, protecting you from risks coming in from outside of your environment. We can help you to setup effective protection from hacking, malware and ransomware to ensure that data entering your environment is only allowed from trusted and secure sources. We can also make sure that interactions between users in different locations is done safely and securely.
Cloud Security
Cloud security tools monitor potential threats to your cloud based applications and will also alert you of suspicious behaviour which could be damaging to your business. These tools can provide threat protection to all devices within your company infrastructure.
Device and App Management
This software allows you to manage and monitor the behaviour of your employees when using company provided devices such as laptops, smart phones and tablets. It can also help you to manage the security and use of employee provided devices which are being used in the work environment.
Remote Monitoring
The vast majority of vulnerabilities are due to user error or negligence. We can provide remote monitoring tools for desktops, laptops and smart devices which proactively raise the alarm when potential threats are detected so that you can take action before any harm is caused.
Proactive Monitoring
Proactive monitoring can be set up to highlight issues to you before you even know they’ve occurred. Automatic monitoring tools can be setup to watch the performance and behaviour of your machines and raise the alarm if suspicious activity or malfunction is spotted, allowing you to be ahead of issues before they cause serious damage or loss of proactivity.
Patch Management
Many of the software updates which pop up on your computer or device will be designed to keep you secure and protect you from the latest threats. Users can often ignore updates, especially if it means closing and saving lots of documents and restarting their device, this can leave your entire network in a vulnerable state. Patch management software will tell you when users aren’t on top of their updates so you can either discuss this with them or restrict their usage until they have been completed.
Email Security
Email security helps detect threats from suspicious content and also suspicious sources. It can also detect when a user is acting irresponsibly, for example trying to email bank card details. It can work in a number of ways; by filtering out malicious emails and warning you of their threat and also by quarantining potentially harmful emails sent from your staff and either deleting them or alerting you so you can check them before allowing them to be sent.
Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed, industry-supported scheme to help organisations protect themselves against common online threats. We are qualified and experienced to help take you through this process to ensure that your business has the right level of protection for the risks that are relevant to you. Cyber essentials requires auditing and implementation and we can offer this as a completely managed service.